Refresh and Renew Institutes
Family Development and Case Management “Refresh and Renew" Online Institute for Head Start Programs
We are doing an Institute “Refresh and Renew” special class based on the PFCE Framework on Zoom. (There are no in-person classes on the California State University campus until further notice.)
Re-energize and renew through a PFCE framework review.
Everybody needs to shed the aggravations of the past two years and to get energized about the return of the children to the Head Start classrooms. You can refresh and renew through a review of the Parent Family Community Engagement Framework.
You can discuss what needs to be done and refresh your outlook through engagement with faculty who provide California State University family development classes for Head Start Family Workers. These discussions are based squarely on the Head Start performance standards, and each event will review two or three of the ten PFCE framework goals and the associated relationship based competencies.
You will get a PFCE framework review and personal renewal. (College credit is available through California State University.) Mark your calendar. These events will take place on Zoom, Tuesdays and Thursday mornings.
They are three hours each day, with breaks, starting at 8:30 Pacific Time. Register below (
We are on the Head Start website of providers of family development certificates.
Please share this with your colleagues and your Family Services Manager. This is a great “team builder” for a group of people in an organization. And it can also be an introduction and overview for new Family Workers.
All participants get:
Training in family development and case management based on the latest in social work theory and practice.
Copies of the PowerPoints and other handouts.
A certificate of completion related to the Head Start training requirements for family workers.
Registration Fee: $345.00
Substitutions: Written substitutions are allowed at any time. Send an email to
For more information, fill out the form below and submit it.
Jim Masters, CCAP, NCRT
Jim’s cell: 510.459.7570
Center for Community Futures, PO Box 5309, Berkeley, CA 94705