Opinion Papers by Jim Masters
Opinion Papers and Book Reviews by Jim Masters
Click on the links below to access the Opinion Papers and Book Reviews by Jim Masters (most are in Microsoft Word format).
How the Economy Works Now (.docx)
What Is Work? And What Can NonProfits Do to Create Work? (.docx)
Why Some Historic Anti-Poverty Strategies Have Not Worked for Decades (.docx)
The Cosmology of Human Development and Anti-poverty Strategy (.docx)
Social Values Drive Public Policy And Can Make a 180 Degree Change (.docx)
Are We a Social Movement or a Strategy or a Management System (.docx)
Eliminate Use of Obsolete Terms - Stop Calling People Clients! January 20 2016 (.docx)
Large Scale Planning Needed (.docx)
Rebuilding the Program Development Capacity: Stop Waiting for Godot (.docx)
High Impact Strategies (.docx)
Create Symbiotic Relationships (.docx)
Choose Masters' Circle of Strength instead of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (.docx)
You Can't Compare the War On Poverty to Welfare Reform (.docx)
What Should Activists Do Now? (.docx)
Use Meeting Planning to Keep Your Field Vibrant and Growing (.docx)
Smart Spending of New Money (.docx)
What to Do With ARRA Money (.docx)
Common Intake Forms and Service Coordination and Integration (.docx)